Come and hear early years expert Monica Shah Zeeman talk about daycares with a difference. Choosing a good early years environment is key to fulfilling your child’s potential. To a first time parent there are a myriad of choices. What’s the difference between one daycare and another?
Find out more about how children learn in a social group. Developmental daycare is an early years setting where the teachers are trained to understand child development and closely observe how your child is learning as an individual.
“Choosing a bilingual daycare in Zurich”
Monica Shah Zeeman
Thursday 1st October 2020 at 12:00pm (in Switzerland, CEST)
Online Talk
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About the speaker:
For over 20 years Monica Shah Zeeman has supported social innovation in education in the UK and Zürich. She is the author of ‘Working with Parents’ (Heinemann Management Series) and writes for Family Matters Switzerland. She leads early years services at Children First Association and coaching for 7 to 18 year olds at fit4school-Zürichberg.