In all school holidays except summer (three weeks) and Christmas (two weeks), we are open for fun and educational activities for children ages 3 to 7. This means that we are open for 8 weeks longer than most daycare providers.

During our school holiday “Fun Weeks” we offer weekly programmes on cultural themes and care for working parents from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Our Fun Weeks last October were centered around the theme “Signs and seeds of Autumn”. As the leaves were changing colour, we saw hundreds of beech nuts raining down onto our playground. The children observed and interacted with the sights and sounds of the season on outings during both weeks to the nearby Dolder Hill, Botanical gardens and the Elephant forest. Autumn was also the perfect time to discover more about animals and hibernation. Children learned through sensory activities, matching and sorting a variety of collected seeds and leaves and learning about diversity and change in the natural world at this beautiful time of year.







Full-time enrolment costs CHF 670 per week for children who do not attend our pre-school or kindergarten.

Contact us via contact(at) if you would like to have further information.